Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Happy Happy! Weeeee

I just got back from the goodbye party sussex held for all of us. I got free dinner which was sweet. What was even better was that Johnny was there! It was so awesome to see him. I got soooo excited! There were a bunch of us talking to him. When I had to leave he told me that I did really amazing work, which made me smile so much. I didn't know what to do, so I just ran. I ran and ran.. Then I got a cramp. haha. It was pretty awesome

Now I need to write my paper. Right now I have about 1000 word outline. I need to turn that into a rough draft by midnight. Then it's sleep and editing in the morning. I have to turn in the paper at 4. That's totally do able. Then off to dinner with Kara and others.

Overall, today has been a pretty good day! =)

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